JWDT/Daily/1 — Morevago Sticky Reviews on PrestaShop 1.6

John Thomson
2 min readJan 28, 2018

Something I wanted to do in 2018 was post one technical article per day… I do at least something vaguely interesting — on average — once a day, so it should be possible.

Even if they’re just brief; even if they’re only interesting to me.

Here goes my first post… we’re only 28 days into the year, I’ll catch up!

Morevago Sticky Reviews on PrestaShop 1.6

First up: what is a Morevago Sticky Review?

“Sticky Reviews by real customers” on morevago.com

Basically little bubbles that pop up in the corner of a website.

The software is a product of Morevago.com [Affiliate link]. Here’s their description:

“Morevago allows businesses to display Sticky Reviews by real customers on their websites to instantly increase sales!”

Installing it on PrestaShop 1.6

I set it up on the Faerytails [Girlfriend’s business] website using emotionLoop’s contentBox module. It’s a free module that I use extensively anywhere I want to add custom code to a PrestaShop 1.6 site.

Basically I have it set up as in the screenshot… oh yeah, that’s not using the standard Morevago code. I’ll post about that later. It figures out which Morevago campaign to use based on the page, or disables it on some pages.

I use this particular module (you can generate different named modules for different content on the contentBox.org website) for JavaScript that I want to run on every page. It’s in the footer somewhere.

The important bit for that is to set “Use Text Editor” to “No”, which disables the WYSIWYG editor.

Also setting “Use a Content Wrapper” to “No” will remove a couple of unneeded tags.

That’s basically all I did before I made the custom Morevago loader. It was just as simple as adding it to any other site.

